Tuesday, June 30, 2009

"Be still"

I recently met a brother when i was in Frisco a couple of weeks ago helping Jonathan and Kirsten move into their new home. I had been following his blog for a couple of months now and have enjoyed it. Kent "Grumpy" Smith and I have lots in common. (you can follow his blog from here) We're both west Texas boys with a love for Christ. We don't always make the right decisions, but we try really hard to do the right thing and learn from those "bad" decisions. I have been reading his book (and I highly recommend you getting a copy) "Everyday Christianity". It's a small, paper back book that's extremely easy reading. (those of you that know me the best know that's my kind of reading!)

The first lesson in life Grumpy talks about is "Be still, and know that I am Lord". This comes from Psalms 46:10. He, like I, have serious problems stopping to "smell the roses". Looking around and being appreciative of the things God has blessed us with. Here are a few of things I stop and look at and am thankful of:

1. My God! He can be yours too!!! Ain't he awesome!!!!
2. My kids! They are the apple of my eyes!!!
3. My Church! I have been blessed over the past few years with an awesome church family!!
4. My home! It's not much, but God has blessed me with it!
5. My car! Silly I know but it gets me from point a to point b. (and don't ask me how to figure that! never was good at algebra!)
6. My friends! I have an awesome group of folks that I cherish dearly. Old and new!
7. The rising sun! It comes up every day, bringing light to fresh beginning!
8. The setting sun! It signifies the ending, a time for reflection.
9. West Texas!!!! Home of the finest (mostly! LOL!) folks in the whole world.
10. USA! Home of the free!!!!

I invite you to stop. BE STILL! Know that God is here and that he loves us all!!!!

I can't wait for these words "Well done, good and faithful servant!!".

May God bless you all!!

Oh yeah! One more thing! I have a very old friend of mine going in for some follow up test tomorrow. Probably nothing but this friend is a long ways from family and friends!! Keep her in your prayers!


Friday, June 26, 2009

Starting Over

I haven't been here in a couple of months! Trying to get back in the routine of writing again.

I find myself at 45 at some kind of a cross road. My son thinks I'm having some kind of a midlife crisis! LOL! And so what if i am? Anyway, finding myself unemployed at this age is something i hadn't really put a whole lot of thought into.

Let's visit some options here:

1. I could jump right back into the business I was in and have to deal with the same issues that burned me out to start with. I just can't see me being real productive there.

2. Look for something outside the production ag. This is all I know almost! Spent a life time doing this!

3. Go back to school. But what?

I have always wanted to go to graduate school. Especially law school. It doesn't really matter what I look at going into, it's going to take more education. And at least 2 years of education. So what's the answer here? I have it figured out i think and feel really good about my decision. Law school it is!!! I have a year here to get ready. Take the class on the LSAT in Lubbock in September and October. Take the test in November and start the application process. I have another chance to increase my score in February. Hopefully by then I will have a high enough score to get in! I really only have one choice in Law School, Texas Tech! I have to stay near for my baby girls. Does that make sense?