I have fond memories of the Chief Drive-In. I spent many a Friday and Saturday nights there. Sitting on the back row with our pickups pointing away from the screen so that we could sit on the tailgate and watch the movie. Dippin' snuff and probably doing some other things we shouldn't have been doing. We would park to where we could get the speakers from both post on either side and hear the movie. Way more socializing went on there. Mr. Kinnaman would have to come out and "quiet us down" from time to time. He never raised his voice, he would just say "quiet down please". And we would. If we had a date we would park towards the front so that, if we wanted to, watch from the seat. LOL! There was also a place inside the concession area where we could go "inside" and sit. It was almost as good as going to Vernon or to Wichita Falls to the "inside" picture show theater. I can remember going there and sitting inside and seeing "Saturday Night Fever" when I was in Jr. High. Our parents would pull into the drive-in and drop us off and leave us till the movie was over. My dad farmed the land that was around the theater while we were in jr. high and high school. I can remember cutting wheat when I was about 12 one night and the show was "Truckstop Mama". Mom moved the supper wagon to where we couldn't see that one! LOL! I remember seeing the original "Star Wars" there. "Urban Cowboy", "One Flew Over The Cookoo's Nest", and many more that I can't remember.
I remember when I was a freshman. I was plowing the field there at the drive-in and Mr. Kinnaman bringing me out a Slush Puppie. He had just gotten the machine and wanted to know what I thought.
What was a landmark for many years in Quanah is gone. Good memories and Good times! Thank you God for allowing us to have "The Chief" for as long as you did!
Love you all!
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