Twice in one day!!! I know, I took a long vacation from this so I can blog twice today.
Sarah Palin, R Governor of Alaska, is john McCain's pick for his running mate. As disenchanted I have been about this election, He has put a little spice back into the campaign for me. I really didn't know who I was going to vote for, Rather, I knew who I wasn't going to vote for. McCain just hit the ball out of the park. From what little I have read about this lady, She's for real. She is a pro life advocate, she is a wife, she is a mother, and she's not owned by anyone. She is very strong willed. Started out as a PTA mom, city council, state government offices, then governor. She has 5 kids! One that is a down's baby and knew before the baby was born that he was going to be a special needs baby. She insisted on having the baby with the remark "We're just going to love him!". She carries her husbands last name, Not hyphenated by her maiden name. I think as more things come out about her, we will embrace this ticket and get out and vote!
Did I mention she has 80% approval rating as Governor of Alaska! That's pretty good. When was the last time we had a national leader that had a 80% approval rating?
Thanks for reading! Love you all!
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