Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Just remembering fun times!

I have been looking through all the pictures posted on facebook from the Quanah High School class of 78-81 class reunion. That's the four classes just ahead of me. It was so good to see so many familiar faces and remembering fun times! Just want to share a few of those with you today. Kinda funny how some of those events had an impact on my life.

First of all, there was Clif Gibson. He was in the class of 79 and a senior when I was a freshman. I started my first 2 a-day practice the summer of 1978. Hot, over 100 or right at it most days and the humidity was stifling. As soon as we got into full pads and practicing at full speed, they were using us freshman as blocking dummies. And i had been knocked every which way but up. You have to remember I was 6' tall and weighed a whopping 145 lbs. Not a lot of resistance there as a blocking dummy! I had been knocked down by the likes of Jace Reid, Mark Melton and Johnny Dunlap. Then here comes Clif! Just a little side note, all these guys had full facial hair! I barely needed to shave once a week!!! All of them weighed over 150 pounds!!! And I had looked up to this bunch for many years prior. Ok, back to the here comes Clif. He hit me full blast. That's just the way Clif done things. That was the way he was raised. His dad lived life to the fullest and full speed every day. He knocked me on my hiney, my blocking pad flew about 20 yards away (exaggerating a bit there) When he came back by, he stuck his hand out, helped me back up, dusted my rear end off and asked if i was ok. I was like "do what? why does a senior care if a lowly freshman's ok?". I jumped up and said "yes, thank you!". He winked and turned and ran back to the huddle. You know what, I never forgot that! You never forget life events like that. And I have made every effort to pass on the kindness that Clif showed me that day!

Then there was Jerry John Riley. Jerry and i went to church together. His dad and uncle were my sunday school teachers. Jerry had one of the first 4-wheel drive pickups i can remember any of my friends having. It was a 1980 chevy short bed 4X4 with a chrome roll bar and cow catcher. (for those of you that don't know "cow catcher", it's the same as a grill guard.) It was black and silver, a gorgeous pickup. We went to Red River, NM on a church ski trip when i was a jr and Jerry was a freshman in college for spring break. I will never forget who all was on that trip with us!!! Jana Brandon, Kevin Young, Judy Riley, Mark Whitmire, and Jim Baker just to name a few. Well we snuck in a couple of bottles of adult beverages and took them with us!!! (I know, a church trip, I'm sure God has forgiven me for that.!) One night we decided it was time to consume these beverages, so we did! The altitude like magnified 2 or 3 times the effect of the drinks!!! And several of us got pretty wobbly and even a couple threw up. (no names here) So we loaded everyone up in the back of that pickup and got them back to the hotel and made sure everyone was in bed! And I don't think we got caught or even suspected us angels had done anything wrong!

I could go on and on here. OH! There was one picture there of three guys that was in the class ahead of me. Kieth Melton, Kevin Felty and Zachary Choat. Just made my heart warm to see those guys together.

Awesome memories! Thanks God for all of them!!!!

Still waiting to hear from my old friend today. Actually should be having the test done as I'm writing this!

May you feel God's presence near you in all you do!!!


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