Been a crazy last couple of weeks for me. This economic debacle has put a strangle hold on my sales! In case you haven't noticed, the commodity markets have taken a dive as well. I know it will a

ll come out in the wash. I had felt for some time that the grains were in some kind of a false market. Which the corn market has been directly tied to oil due to the many ethanol plants that have gone up over the past couple of years. With oil below $90, we will continue to see the demand on corn soften. I think the cattle folks will be glad to see the drop in feed prices. My customers are singing the blues though.

It is fun to see my Red Raiders in the national spot light! The high powered Mike Leach office is finally getting the recognition it deserves. Oh yeah! Have you heard we have 2 Heisman candidates at Tech? The
Michael Crabtree-Graham Harrell duo has proven to be deserving of the attention. They keep finding ways to win! This week will be the test! Tech at A&M. Even though A&M has had a less than banner year, lets not forget they are at Kyle Field. 4 Of the Big 12 south or in the top 10 in the poles. What fun is that!!!!

This past week was fire prevention week. One of the funnest things I get the opportunity to do with the fire department here is teach the kids at the Main Street
Church of Christ preschool "Noah's Ark" about fire prevention. We always take the fire trucks down to the church and let all the kids go for a ride. Then we go back to the station and have the kindergarten kids there. We showed them the video "Dan
Doofus on Fire Prevention". Not as cute as the "
Sparky's ABC's Of Fire Safety", but sense it's on VHS and the DVD version is over $300, I won't be a "
LOLHave a good week! Thanks for stopping by!
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