1. I'm not old enough to remember much about the 60's and the Equal Rights movement. But I do remember Jesse Jackson running for president back in the 70's and hearing the older folks around saying that there was no way an African-American could be elected president of the United States of America. Well, it has happened! Congratulations President-elect Obama.
2. Most of you know that I am a Republican. Even though my great-grandad kicks the dirt off his grave (and yes, I covered him back up Friday! LOL!) every time I enter the voting machine, I don't vote straight line Republican. Some of Democrats that I have voted for are Charlie Stenholm, Pete Laney and Joe Heflin just to mention a few. I have always tried to put country first. I'm not proud of where my party has taken the country. I guess you could describe me as a Reagan Republican. We have to keep one thing in mind! What would Jesus do? He would embrace and love Barack Obama. If you don't believe me open your Bible up. What did he come to earth to do? To serve, not to be served. So I challenge you, even though you don't agree with his views, to come together as a country and support our leaders. This is turbulent times we live in. We have to come together. If you don't do anything else just pray for them. We all know how powerful prayer is. And that God answers prayers!

4. I get all of my news from Fox News. There are the most genuine folks on that cable news channel. As I watch tonight I continue to be impressed by their coverage of the happenings of the day. Sean, take a chill pill and and stop trying to point fingers at the media for supporting Obama. Oh yeah, I wouldn't be a man if I didn't make mention of the really pretty girls that Fox finds.
5. Todd and Sarah Palen, because of you, I have some new found faith in the political system. Your ability to balance family and career is an example for all of us to follow. You seem to have your priorities in the right places. I really like some of things Sarah has been able to accomplish in Alaska. Putting the state owned jet on ebay is priceless. At least you have walk the walk. You have stood up to the status quo in your state and I can't wait to watch your political career to grow. You have my support.
Whether you agree with President-elect Obama or not, you have to admire his victory. For me, it's kinda like a couple of weeks ago in Atlanta when Carl Edwards won the race only to find out Jimmy Johnson came in second, and only gained like 10 points on him. I am not a Jimmy Johnson fan, but I have to admire his desire and the talent he has. I know that's a poor analogy, but that's how my red-neck mind works.
Thanks for stopping by! I am gong to take more time to write! Just been really busy selling corn seed! LOL!
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