The Foster Family of Goodlett, Texas was one of the first families I remember meeting when I first moved to Quanah. Jay, Vanda and Rodney rode the same bus I did to school everyday. Rodney was quite a bit older than me and I remember him driving to school mostly. Vanda had this long blonde hair that caught my eye! LOL! I immediately had a crush on her. Jay and I made friends right off. Of course, he had a crush on my sister.
The first time I can remember meeting Van was at the old Quisenberry filing station in Goodlett. He always had a pipe he was smoking on. The aroma of pipe tobacco followed him. He would aways take time to joke with us kids. Giving us a hard time about different things. Always had a smile that was his trademark. His precinct barn was across the street form the filling station.
As the years passed, all us kids got closer, good friends! My first car date was with Vanda and Jay's first car date was with my sister. We always looked after each other. We used to play basketball and other games out at the old Goodlett gym. I can remember one time, Jay and I had to go out and find Vanda and Keith Melton, who were out in the country one night. They had run over a utility pole that was laying out in the middle of the county road and blown out all 4 tires on the pickup they were in. Jay and I took 4 wheels and tires out to where they were at and got them back going again. I can remember Van pulling up there and ribbing Keith a bit about putting the lug nits on backwards on the one spare they had with them. I think Keith was scared at first, but Van always had a way of making everything "OK".
Jay and I ran around together quite often after we got out of high school. Jay was in the class behind me. We used to fly his plane to Goodlett from Vernon to hunt. One time Jay had Travis Taylor, Skeeter and I in his plane with 4 shotguns. We landed on the farm to market road next to Van's airport north of Goodlett because it had rained the day before and the runway was muddy. On our "approach", I noticed we were about to take out a guide wire that was going across the road. I just grabbed a hold and yelled "wire!". Jay just ducked below it and we landed just fine. Waiting for us at the airport, Van asked us "how much did ya'll miss that wire by?". We were all still scared, trembling a bit as we got out of the plane. We went on to hunt dove and finally got to where we could laugh about the experience.
Van always took the time to make sure we had "prime" hunting. He had scouted out where the dove were before we got there.
I will miss Van dearly. I know he's resting easy, being able to breath with ease now.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Just some thoughts!
A couple of things I'm thinking about.
How bout them Red Raiders!!! This has been one crazy ride! I have been a Texas Tech fan for years! Been through some pretty rough times! But even with the whipping we took from OU this past weekend, I'm proud to be a Red Raider. Never in school history have we had so much success! GO OSU COWBOYS!!! We still have a shot at the Big XII Championship!!!
The Big 3 automakers bailout has me concerned. I wonder what it would do for the US economy if they just gave us back that cash! Plus all the money the government has given to the financial institutions! WOW!
This will be my first Thanksgiving without my girls. At least I will have them Christmas. That was tough last year. They will be with family. They will have fun.
Harvest is wrapping up. Some time soon, I am going to start another blog on farming. More specifically the advancement in agriculture during the past 40 or so years. I think about my great granddad often and if he was still alive today, the changes that has gone on. There are very few original homesteads left in this part of the world. It's hard for me to imagine there being a home on every quarter section around here. And all the cotton gins and country elevators there used to be. Times have changed for the better!
I hope everyone has an awesome Thanksgiving!!!
How bout them Red Raiders!!! This has been one crazy ride! I have been a Texas Tech fan for years! Been through some pretty rough times! But even with the whipping we took from OU this past weekend, I'm proud to be a Red Raider. Never in school history have we had so much success! GO OSU COWBOYS!!! We still have a shot at the Big XII Championship!!!
The Big 3 automakers bailout has me concerned. I wonder what it would do for the US economy if they just gave us back that cash! Plus all the money the government has given to the financial institutions! WOW!
This will be my first Thanksgiving without my girls. At least I will have them Christmas. That was tough last year. They will be with family. They will have fun.
Harvest is wrapping up. Some time soon, I am going to start another blog on farming. More specifically the advancement in agriculture during the past 40 or so years. I think about my great granddad often and if he was still alive today, the changes that has gone on. There are very few original homesteads left in this part of the world. It's hard for me to imagine there being a home on every quarter section around here. And all the cotton gins and country elevators there used to be. Times have changed for the better!
I hope everyone has an awesome Thanksgiving!!!
Well, Thanksgiving is quickly approaching! I was originally going to Frisco to be with my son and daughter-in-law this week. I am staying in Lockney to help my friend Kurt with his harvest. He is behind and needs the help.
Since my divorce, I have dated a couple of girls. I have found dating to be extremely frustrating! So many issues! So much drama! I had just about given up on the whole dating thing back in the summer. I don't know if I had given up or just really gotten good with just me. Anyway, Yes, I was a subscriber, that was more fun than a barrel of monkeys! Lots of people there with lots of issues and drama all claiming to be "looking for the one". I learned to laugh at most of them. At the end of my subscription, I had pretty much quit looking and ignoring the contact notifications when I got this last one, that just said "you seem like a normal guy". So I responded.
Amy and I tell everyone we met at a coffee shop in Lubbock. Which that is the truth, we did meet there the first time! We emailed each other for about 2 months before we decided to meet. We put a lot of effort into being "just friends". We met each other and had supper or coffee. I didn't even pick her up for the longest. And we didn't share cell phone info for the longest.
Dating at 44 (about to be 45) is tough. You have a lot more issues to get past than you did in college. Kids (and I wouldn't trade them for the world! They very happily come first), exes, their kids, you name it, lots of issues. It has become fun for me.
Amy was in the same position as I was. Just looking for someone to "hang with". We have had lots of fun so far. I really enjoy her company. She's lots of fun! We are going to the Tech game Saturday night. (SURELY WE CAN BEAT BAYLOR AT THE JONES!)
I am sharing all this with you to say that I am going to Friona, Thursday to spend the day with Amy and her family. Is this the next level of our relationship?
Be praying for me and Amy. Lots of questions still to be answered. Pray for my patience!
Since my divorce, I have dated a couple of girls. I have found dating to be extremely frustrating! So many issues! So much drama! I had just about given up on the whole dating thing back in the summer. I don't know if I had given up or just really gotten good with just me. Anyway, Yes, I was a subscriber, that was more fun than a barrel of monkeys! Lots of people there with lots of issues and drama all claiming to be "looking for the one". I learned to laugh at most of them. At the end of my subscription, I had pretty much quit looking and ignoring the contact notifications when I got this last one, that just said "you seem like a normal guy". So I responded.
Amy and I tell everyone we met at a coffee shop in Lubbock. Which that is the truth, we did meet there the first time! We emailed each other for about 2 months before we decided to meet. We put a lot of effort into being "just friends". We met each other and had supper or coffee. I didn't even pick her up for the longest. And we didn't share cell phone info for the longest.
Dating at 44 (about to be 45) is tough. You have a lot more issues to get past than you did in college. Kids (and I wouldn't trade them for the world! They very happily come first), exes, their kids, you name it, lots of issues. It has become fun for me.
Amy was in the same position as I was. Just looking for someone to "hang with". We have had lots of fun so far. I really enjoy her company. She's lots of fun! We are going to the Tech game Saturday night. (SURELY WE CAN BEAT BAYLOR AT THE JONES!)
I am sharing all this with you to say that I am going to Friona, Thursday to spend the day with Amy and her family. Is this the next level of our relationship?
Be praying for me and Amy. Lots of questions still to be answered. Pray for my patience!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
My Friend Kurt
Kurt is one of my best friends. We have several things in common. We both love farming. We both like to have coffee in the morning. We both procrastinate just a bit in areas of our lives. The most significant thing that we have in common is we're both divorcees. We both woke up one day thinking all was good or "OK" in that category of our lives to find out we were out. "OUCH!" That really stings the male ego. Especially when there are "extra males" involved.
Most of ya'll that have been reading this blog understands that it takes 2 to fail at marriage. I did my fair share to "run my ex off". Let me share a few, just so that you know I share the blame. (I don't know why that's so important to me to share this, maybe to help some of you "guys" stop some of the crap that your wife doesn't like you doing)
1. Worked most of the time
2. when wasn't at work, had fire, chamber, ag committee, EDC, or anything to keep from having to go home.
3. Took vacations alone. (fire school, car races, you name I did it)
4. Never ever made her #1
This is a short list. I could go on but these are the things that started out as little and got big. Take for instance, I'm a volunteer fireman, and we have meeting night 2 nights a month. As if that wasn't enough time to be away for this, my training turned into being gone an extra 6 to 8 nights a year to fire school in Lubbock and Canyon to going to College Station for a week every year and Wichita Falls 2 times a year for a long weekend. Going to the NASCAR races for a 4 day weekend to being gone 5 days twice a year. I could go on here too!
I'm not going to make a lot of excuses here for my actions back then, but most of my traveling was going on cause things weren't just rosy at home. I will never forget about 5 years ago, I told Lori that if we didn't get a handle on things in our marriage that we were headed for disaster. I will never forget her laughing at me.
Kurt still struggles with why his wife left him. Why she would choose another guy over him. She only had 3 extra marital affairs before she finally left for the last guy. (he's not missing much in case you can't read between the lies) There's never ever a time he and I get together that he doesn't bring her up. And if someone else walks up to us that we don't know and we begin to visit, it takes him about 2 sentences to let them know that we're marked men. I told him one time that he might as well go on down to the tattoo shop and get a great big D tattooed to his forehead so that he won't have to talk about it anymore.
Kurt is my friend. I would change the world for him if I could. He's a really good guy that can't seem to move on. I've been thinking now for almost 2 years that some day he will. He's been divorced for a year longer than me!
Keep him in your prayers! Keep us both in your prayers!!!
Most of ya'll that have been reading this blog understands that it takes 2 to fail at marriage. I did my fair share to "run my ex off". Let me share a few, just so that you know I share the blame. (I don't know why that's so important to me to share this, maybe to help some of you "guys" stop some of the crap that your wife doesn't like you doing)
1. Worked most of the time
2. when wasn't at work, had fire, chamber, ag committee, EDC, or anything to keep from having to go home.
3. Took vacations alone. (fire school, car races, you name I did it)
4. Never ever made her #1
This is a short list. I could go on but these are the things that started out as little and got big. Take for instance, I'm a volunteer fireman, and we have meeting night 2 nights a month. As if that wasn't enough time to be away for this, my training turned into being gone an extra 6 to 8 nights a year to fire school in Lubbock and Canyon to going to College Station for a week every year and Wichita Falls 2 times a year for a long weekend. Going to the NASCAR races for a 4 day weekend to being gone 5 days twice a year. I could go on here too!
I'm not going to make a lot of excuses here for my actions back then, but most of my traveling was going on cause things weren't just rosy at home. I will never forget about 5 years ago, I told Lori that if we didn't get a handle on things in our marriage that we were headed for disaster. I will never forget her laughing at me.
Kurt still struggles with why his wife left him. Why she would choose another guy over him. She only had 3 extra marital affairs before she finally left for the last guy. (he's not missing much in case you can't read between the lies) There's never ever a time he and I get together that he doesn't bring her up. And if someone else walks up to us that we don't know and we begin to visit, it takes him about 2 sentences to let them know that we're marked men. I told him one time that he might as well go on down to the tattoo shop and get a great big D tattooed to his forehead so that he won't have to talk about it anymore.
Kurt is my friend. I would change the world for him if I could. He's a really good guy that can't seem to move on. I've been thinking now for almost 2 years that some day he will. He's been divorced for a year longer than me!
Keep him in your prayers! Keep us both in your prayers!!!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
In Memory of Paul Lloyd
Today was a special day for me. I often wrestle with why I live in a small town. Today was that reminder. Just to catch you up to speed here, I spent the first 10 years of my life here in Lockney. My father was killed in a farming accident in October of 1971. I have pictures of that fall that I will have to dig out and scan them in so that I can share them. In one picture is several combines. Neighbors pulling out of their own crop to help my mom get what my dad left behind harvested. Another picture is of over 25 cotton strippers. All of them 2 row, mostly tractor mount. I feel the need to bring some of you who do not have an ag background up to speed. Back in those days, if a farmer had a self propelled cotton stripper, he was up in modern times. There were only one manufacturer that I can remember that made a self propelled cotton stripper, being Hesston. Every one else had what you call a tractor mounted stripper. You used the tractor you already had and added the stripper mechanism to it. All of them harvested 2 rows at a time.

Today, we have these monster rigs that harvest 8 rows at a time. Oh yeah! We have module builders too! That is what is used to make the huge blocks of cotton you see in the fields and around the cotton gins. Back in the 70's we had trailers that we dumped in and pulled to town with our pickup trucks.
My friend, Paul Lloyd, was killed in an automobile accident in October. He left behind his wife Lori and 2 children that are in college. Paul farmed around Floydada. Almost his entire crop was left in the field to be harvest
ed. Today, several of Paul's neighbors pulled off of their own crops to harvest what he left behind. Paul was a good friend of mine. We first got to know each other several years ago at the NASCAR race in Ft. Worth. I met his wife Lori there too. Paul was an awesome farmer. One of those "above average" producers. Paul always had a smile on his face and was always glad to see a friend.

I had the opportunity to go over and cook lunch for the guys that helped get his crop out today. The last I counted there were around 25 strippers there today. I fed 50 folks. I really had not put a lot of thought into what I was about to do this morning as I left. What kind of memories would surface. My friend Jason Pyle spearheaded the effort. I called him as I left Lockney this morning to find out where I needed to be. When I pulled up, I cried. To see that many folks take time to come help a friend in need was overwhelming! I can vividly remember back to 1971 and seeing all those that did the same for my family. I am honored to have had the opportunity to help. I got to visit with Lori some and all the folks there.
Paul Lloyd, rest in peace buddy! You will be missed!
My Mom!
Yesterday was my mom's birthday. I almost forgot! When I remembered, her phone had accidentally changed to silence. Those of you that know my mom knows that it is highly unusual for her not to answer her phone. I finally talked to her last night about 7:00. She had a lot on her plate yesterday. Some time yesterday morning early she and my step-dad ended up in the emergency room in Childress. He has gall stones. So they spent most of the day in the hospital yesterday. When I finally got to talk to her last night they had just been discharged.
This is going to look kinda funny after my last post.
I got this from a friend yesterday! I hope all of you understand! I love my church family here in Lockney! They are unlike any church family I have been a part of. They love folks! Everyone!
THANKS FOR STOPPING BY!!!! STAY TUNED FOR MY OFFICIAL TAKE ON THE AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY BAILOUT! I know the financial world is waiting on my thoughts on this!!! LOL!
This is going to look kinda funny after my last post.
I got this from a friend yesterday! I hope all of you understand! I love my church family here in Lockney! They are unlike any church family I have been a part of. They love folks! Everyone!
THANKS FOR STOPPING BY!!!! STAY TUNED FOR MY OFFICIAL TAKE ON THE AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY BAILOUT! I know the financial world is waiting on my thoughts on this!!! LOL!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Frustrated is probably not the right word for how I feel, but i get to feel this way from time to time with the Church. You got to remember, I have spent a lifetime in the Church of Christ. I have worshipped with them all, the one cuppers, non-class, class, many cups, no kitchen, kitchen, no pitch pipes, pitch pipes, etc. (isn't that a shame, so many different factions!). I was visiting with some folks the other day about Texas Tech football before the huge UT game. The person was going on and on about how Colt McCoy was a member of the Church! Ok, that's cool and I knew that. Then they went on to tell me that Mack Brown was a member of the Church. Ok, what difference does it make? Are we going to become UT fans just because they have a couple of three folks (don't forget the Shipley kid's a member of the Church too!) that are members of the church? I know that Colt has had an awesome impact on that team. His ethics have been impeccable! And there has been several of his team mates take note. That is awesome.
Then I had a friend to ask me if the girl I was seeing right now was "a member of the Church"! So what if she's not? Am I not allowed to do things with a person of the opposite sex if they are not members of the church?
I have two really close friends of mine that are not "members of the Church". They are probably 2 of the best friends I have ever had. We have all been through very painful divorces. We talk a lot about the struggles of moving on. Should I not hang out with them if they are not members of the Church?
What did Jesus do? Matt. 20:20-28 talks about a mother's request. She wants her two sons to sit at the right and left hands of Jesus "in His kingdom". The woman didn't understand what she was asking. Then Jesus asked "can you drink from the same cup that I drink?" The woman answered "we can!". And indeed they could. But to sit at the right or left hand of Jesus was not His decision. In Christ we are all the same! Jesus went on to say that he did not come to this earth to "be served, but to serve.".
Are you able to follow me here? I get really frustrated with most folks in the Church of Christ because of the feeling of superiority they sometimes reflect. It's like my granddad's church is sticking it's ugly head up again! "We're the only ones going to heaven!". You've heard it! It's the same legalism that had me condemned for many, many years of my life! And it still lives today! Are we here to serve each other in the Church? Are we true reformist? Are we followers of Jesus? Are we followers of Campbell? I wonder sometimes what our message is as a Church?
I know what our message should be! To love and to serve, just as Jesus did! And stop this crazy legalism crap that has so crippled the church! The fact Colt McCoy, Mack Brown, and co., belongs to the Church should not even be an issue. I have known scores of people that were members, or should I say attended services, at a Church of Christ that were not christian. I know that's a bold statement, but I was one of them! I was baptised as a child and thought that if I just made it to service, I was in! That's not at all true!
I am a Christian! I do not belong to a church! I belong to Christ! I have the most wonderful family here in Lockney! We all share one thing! The blood of Christ that continues to flow, YES, IT"S STILL FLOWING 2,000 YEARS LATER!!!!!, for me and you!!!!
Oh yeah! One more thing! That blood will never coagulate as our blood does! It cleanses me daily!
Thanks for stopping by today!!!
Then I had a friend to ask me if the girl I was seeing right now was "a member of the Church"! So what if she's not? Am I not allowed to do things with a person of the opposite sex if they are not members of the church?
I have two really close friends of mine that are not "members of the Church". They are probably 2 of the best friends I have ever had. We have all been through very painful divorces. We talk a lot about the struggles of moving on. Should I not hang out with them if they are not members of the Church?
What did Jesus do? Matt. 20:20-28 talks about a mother's request. She wants her two sons to sit at the right and left hands of Jesus "in His kingdom". The woman didn't understand what she was asking. Then Jesus asked "can you drink from the same cup that I drink?" The woman answered "we can!". And indeed they could. But to sit at the right or left hand of Jesus was not His decision. In Christ we are all the same! Jesus went on to say that he did not come to this earth to "be served, but to serve.".
Are you able to follow me here? I get really frustrated with most folks in the Church of Christ because of the feeling of superiority they sometimes reflect. It's like my granddad's church is sticking it's ugly head up again! "We're the only ones going to heaven!". You've heard it! It's the same legalism that had me condemned for many, many years of my life! And it still lives today! Are we here to serve each other in the Church? Are we true reformist? Are we followers of Jesus? Are we followers of Campbell? I wonder sometimes what our message is as a Church?
I know what our message should be! To love and to serve, just as Jesus did! And stop this crazy legalism crap that has so crippled the church! The fact Colt McCoy, Mack Brown, and co., belongs to the Church should not even be an issue. I have known scores of people that were members, or should I say attended services, at a Church of Christ that were not christian. I know that's a bold statement, but I was one of them! I was baptised as a child and thought that if I just made it to service, I was in! That's not at all true!
I am a Christian! I do not belong to a church! I belong to Christ! I have the most wonderful family here in Lockney! We all share one thing! The blood of Christ that continues to flow, YES, IT"S STILL FLOWING 2,000 YEARS LATER!!!!!, for me and you!!!!
Oh yeah! One more thing! That blood will never coagulate as our blood does! It cleanses me daily!
Thanks for stopping by today!!!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
1. I'm not old enough to remember much about the 60's and the Equal Rights movement. But I do remember Jesse Jackson running for president back in the 70's and hearing the older folks around saying that there was no way an African-American could be elected president of the United States of America. Well, it has happened! Congratulations President-elect Obama.
2. Most of you know that I am a Republican. Even though my great-grandad kicks the dirt off his grave (and yes, I covered him back up Friday! LOL!) every time I enter the voting machine, I don't vote straight line Republican. Some of Democrats that I have voted for are Charlie Stenholm, Pete Laney and Joe Heflin just to mention a few. I have always tried to put country first. I'm not proud of where my party has taken the country. I guess you could describe me as a Reagan Republican. We have to keep one thing in mind! What would Jesus do? He would embrace and love Barack Obama. If you don't believe me open your Bible up. What did he come to earth to do? To serve, not to be served. So I challenge you, even though you don't agree with his views, to come together as a country and support our leaders. This is turbulent times we live in. We have to come together. If you don't do anything else just pray for them. We all know how powerful prayer is. And that God answers prayers!

4. I get all of my news from Fox News. There are the most genuine folks on that cable news channel. As I watch tonight I continue to be impressed by their coverage of the happenings of the day. Sean, take a chill pill and and stop trying to point fingers at the media for supporting Obama. Oh yeah, I wouldn't be a man if I didn't make mention of the really pretty girls that Fox finds.
5. Todd and Sarah Palen, because of you, I have some new found faith in the political system. Your ability to balance family and career is an example for all of us to follow. You seem to have your priorities in the right places. I really like some of things Sarah has been able to accomplish in Alaska. Putting the state owned jet on ebay is priceless. At least you have walk the walk. You have stood up to the status quo in your state and I can't wait to watch your political career to grow. You have my support.
Whether you agree with President-elect Obama or not, you have to admire his victory. For me, it's kinda like a couple of weeks ago in Atlanta when Carl Edwards won the race only to find out Jimmy Johnson came in second, and only gained like 10 points on him. I am not a Jimmy Johnson fan, but I have to admire his desire and the talent he has. I know that's a poor analogy, but that's how my red-neck mind works.
Thanks for stopping by! I am gong to take more time to write! Just been really busy selling corn seed! LOL!
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