Today was a special day for me. I often wrestle with why I live in a small town. Today was that reminder. Just to catch you up to speed here, I spent the first 10 years of my life here in Lockney. My father was killed in a farming accident in October of 1971. I have pictures of that fall that I will have to dig out and scan them in so that I can share them. In one picture is several combines. Neighbors pulling out of their own crop to help my mom get what my dad left behind harvested. Another picture is of over 25 cotton strippers. All of them 2 row, mostly tractor mount. I feel the need to bring some of you who do not have an ag background up to speed. Back in those days, if a farmer had a self propelled cotton stripper, he was up in modern times. There were only one manufacturer that I can remember that made a self propelled cotton stripper, being Hesston. Every one else had what you call a tractor mounted stripper. You used the tractor you already had and added the stripper mechanism to it. All of them harvested 2 rows at a time.

Today, we have these monster rigs that harvest 8 rows at a time. Oh yeah! We have module builders too! That is what is used to make the huge blocks of cotton you see in the fields and around the cotton gins. Back in the 70's we had trailers that we dumped in and pulled to town with our pickup trucks.
My friend, Paul Lloyd, was killed in an automobile accident in October. He left behind his wife Lori and 2 children that are in college. Paul farmed around Floydada. Almost his entire crop was left in the field to be harvest
ed. Today, several of Paul's neighbors pulled off of their own crops to harvest what he left behind. Paul was a good friend of mine. We first got to know each other several years ago at the NASCAR race in Ft. Worth. I met his wife Lori there too. Paul was an awesome farmer. One of those "above average" producers. Paul always had a smile on his face and was always glad to see a friend.

I had the opportunity to go over and cook lunch for the guys that helped get his crop out today. The last I counted there were around 25 strippers there today. I fed 50 folks. I really had not put a lot of thought into what I was about to do this morning as I left. What kind of memories would surface. My friend Jason Pyle spearheaded the effort. I called him as I left Lockney this morning to find out where I needed to be. When I pulled up, I cried. To see that many folks take time to come help a friend in need was overwhelming! I can vividly remember back to 1971 and seeing all those that did the same for my family. I am honored to have had the opportunity to help. I got to visit with Lori some and all the folks there.
Paul Lloyd, rest in peace buddy! You will be missed!
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