Thursday, September 24, 2009

Just some thoughts

Well, this has been some crazy ride, the past 6 weeks. I don't know if I have ever been through as many emotional highs and lows as what I have been lately. I have learned more about what I am made of over the past few weeks than any other time in my life. Studying for the LSAT has pushed me beyond many limits that were in my life. I have a brand new perspective on life. I can do well on this test Saturday. I can get into law school. And I can succeed in law school.

I was told by my guidance counselor in high school that I was not college material. That I needed to focus on a trade or just farming for the rest of my life (those are her words not mine). Well, I have proved that wrong. And now, for a guy that's not college material, I am about to embark on a new challenge.

I don't know where all this will lead me some day, but, I do know that God is leading me. He's always there no matter how cloudy it may seem.

I want to say thank you! To all of you who have encouraged me in this endeavor and have taken the time to say a prayer for me. God's still answering prayers!

I have a couple of prayer request. That I will take the knowledge that He has given me and apply it to the test Saturday. The second is for a dear friend of mine. Caitlin Clark taught my LSAT prep class. She just learned of a tumor on her brain. Pray for her and her family.

1 comment:

Law School Podcaster said...

After the text, tell us how you think it went.