Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Harvest time!

Well, this is my favorite time of the year with exception to my allergies! LOL! I will be out and about in the area visiting with farmers as they are harvesting this years crop. It is another good one. God has blessed us with several really good crops in a row now. This one has been an expensive one, but looks like yields are going to take care of us. Fuel, fertilizer and technology continue to rise in price, causing this a record year as far as input cost go. It doesn't look like next years crop will be any cheaper. The world demand on fertilizer continues to pressure fertilizer supply. Fuel cost also remain a huge factor as we gather this crop and get it processed.

The memorial service for Wesley Hunter will be this afternoon at 4:00, with burial to be Thursday at the National Cemetery in Denver. Keep the Hunter family in your prayers. Also, a love fund has been established at City Bank here in Lockney. I think it is the Wesley Hunter Love Fund. Call Sherri McDonald or Kelly Prayor at the bank 806-652-3355.

Thanks for stopping by today!

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