I'm going to talk a little politics again this morning. I have spent the better part of the weekend researching Sarah Palin. She has quite a few enemies! Mostly democrats and ex-brother-in-laws! LOL! If I just stopped with her enemies in my research, I would vote for
this woman to be President. Her enemies tell me that she stands for something. Very loyal to her values. Seems there are several that want to criticize her for her pregnant daughter. I have only one thing to say about that! People make mistakes. Does the fact that she didn't run to an abortion center to hide this fact not mean anything? Does the fact that her daughter is going to marry the guy that got her that way mean anything? It means a lot to me. I know people, right here in Lockney, Texas, that will claim to be conservative, Pro-life, Pro-anything that a good conservative would claim to be, yet when their daughter got pregnant a little early in life, or if their son got someone pregnant a little too early in life, the first thing they do is rush them off to the abortion clinic, hush hush, just to save face. I applaud Governor Palin for the values she is passing on to her daughter. Plus (and this is a huge plus! LOL!) a woman who would name her daughter Bristol is all ok in my book! She or her hubby has to be Nascar fans!

Also, seems that this whole troopergate thing has been cooked up to discredit her management skills. If the guy was doing his job, I think he would still have his job. The accusations he makes that he was pressured to fire the ex brother-in-law seems to be false. Sounds to me the even if Governor Palin had pressured him to fire Michael McCann, and he didn't fire him, he should lose his job. A cop who uses his taser on a 10 year old kid does not need to be out on the streets.
Yes, Governor Palin has fired me up about this election. I really feel like she is the real deal. Let's all get behind her and Senator McCain and send them to DC!

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