Monday, September 15, 2008


Is it just me? Is there anyone else having a hard time feeling sorry for those folks in the Houston-Galveston area that "rode out" the storm and now can't get enough food and water? They have only been warning them for a week now to "get out".

I have tried my dead level best to have some compassion for those folks. I have even prayed for them. But now they can't get enough food and water to survive and they want to blame the government? Come on folks! We can't depend on our government for every little crisis in our lives! That's not what this country was built around. You have to be responsible for your own actions. And the fact that they didn't heed the warnings is their own fault!

I was watching Fox News Friday afternoon and Geraldo was in a bar on Galveston Island, full of folks! They were just partying and had no intentions on leaving. Crazy! And even Geraldo was warning them about leaving! The weather service put out a statement on Friday morning that if you stayed out on Galveston Island that you were in "grave danger". "Most likely death will occur if you stay behind!". Oh well!

Have a good day!


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