Thursday, September 4, 2008


Well, I did it again last night. Stayed up and watched all the RNC speeches again last night. It's starting to catch up with me. Sarah Palin didn't only hit the ball out of the park, she won the World Series. Wow, what a speech. Just your typical family down the street facing the same challenges we all do. I loved the Hockey Mom bit!

I am a bit disappointed this morning. I have found out about a couple of instances of dead-beat -dads. I guess living on Lockney, I am sheltered from this phenomena. I'm sure there are some dead beat ex spouses here too, just not as many. In both instances, the dead-beat-dad has left a woman with more than one kid. The thing is, even if they don't want to have anything to do with their kids, they still have a financial responsibility. In one of the instances the guy had a job that paid in excess of $100,000 and quit his job to keep from paying child support! And to leave these women to pay for health care, clothes, food, and a roof over their head. Here is a blog I found this morning if you would like visit.

Have a good day!


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