Well, I stayed up late last night and watched the RNC speeches. I thought Fred Thompson hit a
home run. I wonder where that speech was during his campaign? I am a Fred supporter. I really like his leadership style. He is a matter-of-fact type of guy. No bull! He is a reformer. He always puts America first. I really respect him for that.
I thought Joe Lieberman did a really good job too. He really got out there and reached across party lines. Probably committed political suicide, but won over the Republicans last night. He is a true McCain friend.

I'm not a huge McCain supporter. I have a huge amount of respect for the man. He is an Patriot in every since of the word.
I can't wait for Sarah Palin's speech tonight. She has given me hope. Hope in the political system that I had lost. Before McCain announced her as his running mate, I had not heard of her. I we
nt straight to the web and "googled" her. I have to say that she is very impressive. Not just her politics, but her home life too. I think she has handled her self very well in the spotlight. The whole Bristol pregnancy thing has not slowed her down. If you think for a minute that her daughter being pregnant is an issue, think again. Everyone makes mistakes. This girl just made a poor decision that is going to completely change the course of her life. Maybe this will help some young couple who is contemplating sex to think again.
I can't wait for Sarah Palin's speech tonight. She has given me hope. Hope in the political system that I had lost. Before McCain announced her as his running mate, I had not heard of her. I we

God has an incredible way of taking circumstances, good and bad, and working them for the best. We make decisions every day that effects someone around us. My prayer is that everyone will take note of mistakes or bad decisions people make and use them to better themselves.
Thanks for stopping by today!!
Thanks for stopping by today!!
Hi Preston. I ran across your blog today. You may not remember but we met briefly at Tech many years ago. So glad to hear you doing so well.
Preston, you speak the truth! You are the one, You be the MAN!
I hope all who read these words realize what an incredable person you are. I have not been in Lockney in many years, but there cannot be a more Godly man than you in the entire town.
Your words are important to many, many people all over the world. Continue to share your thoughts. I know how much depends on it!
Thank You,
Shanny, Would your last name been Stanley? I do remember you. Del, Thanks for the comment and the compliments!
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