Wednesday, November 19, 2008

My Mom!

Yesterday was my mom's birthday. I almost forgot! When I remembered, her phone had accidentally changed to silence. Those of you that know my mom knows that it is highly unusual for her not to answer her phone. I finally talked to her last night about 7:00. She had a lot on her plate yesterday. Some time yesterday morning early she and my step-dad ended up in the emergency room in Childress. He has gall stones. So they spent most of the day in the hospital yesterday. When I finally got to talk to her last night they had just been discharged.


This is going to look kinda funny after my last post.

I got this from a friend yesterday! I hope all of you understand! I love my church family here in Lockney! They are unlike any church family I have been a part of. They love folks! Everyone!

THANKS FOR STOPPING BY!!!! STAY TUNED FOR MY OFFICIAL TAKE ON THE AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY BAILOUT! I know the financial world is waiting on my thoughts on this!!! LOL!

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