Saturday, August 8, 2009

Walking on water?

The miracle is not to fly in the air, or to walk on the water, but to walk on the earth. ~Chinese Proverb

Do you ever feel like you're sinking? I'm reminded of the story of Peter when Jesus was walking on the water. Jesus calls Peter to come out to him. The funny part of this to me is Peter's faith was sufficient to get out of the boat and stand on the water, but the wind blew in his face and he began to sink.

Isn't that like us sometimes? We start something and it's easy to do. Then the "wind blows" or the phone rings or someone tells us that we can't do that? Our faith is immediately demolished.

We're not wired up that way. Watch a toddler sometime that's trying to learn to walk. They fall down, they bump their head on things, but we always encourage them to keep going. And they want to succeed in that endeavour! At what age did we quit telling our kids "yes" or "go" and start telling them "no" or "stop"?

Just a thought!!!

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