Monday, June 2, 2008

Eagles Live

I'm not real sure about the year this album was released. Eagles Live! During my run tonight, I got to thinking how many different formats I have listened to this album on. I can remember that I was a sophomore in high school when I first owned the "album". I then got it on 8-track so that I could listen while "draggin main" in Quanah. Sometime during my senior year, we got cassette players in our rides. I will never forget my step-dad telling us "they will never stop making 8-tracks!". He thought we had lost our minds for buying stereos for our pickups that had cassette players. So I had to get Eagles Live on cassette! MANY years later, I bought a car that had a cd player in it. So, guess what! Eagles Live it was as my first CD purchase. (it was just last year that this happened) Now I have it on my ipod.

What a scream!


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