Thursday, September 18, 2008

The week in review

I usually don't do this till Friday, but I have lots on my mind, and feel the need to share it.

I have found this blogging thing to be very therapeutic for me. It gives me a chance to share some thoughts and things that are going on around me. This week has no exception.

Yesterday morning, here in Lockney, we had a young lady raped. A single mom, she has a beautiful baby boy that is just over a year old. No support form the guy that got her pregnant, minding her own business, and really, doing the best that she can, considering her circumstance. She is a sweet girl, always has a smile on her face. She wouldn't hurt a flea, unless that flea was on her boy. At 4:00 in the morning, this thug enters her home by breaking out a window on her back door and entered the home. I don't want to say anymore about the crime, but the thug is already back out on the streets.

Today, we lost a hero. A young man that wanted to do nothing more than serve his country. Went over to Iraq to defend our freedoms. Another thug, a gutless one I might add, plants a road side bomb, killing two and seriously injuring my friend. He never got over his injuries. Pain ruled his life.

Now for the positive.

I try really hard to find positive things to blog about. Me and my girls went to the Tech game on Saturday. We had a really good time. Spent some awesome quality time together. I love my babies, and can't wait to see them again.

Tuesday we had the Floyd County Ag Tour. I got to spend some time with some really good folks there. Also learned about wind energy. I also got to spend some time with a lady that I have grown quite fond of over the past couple of months.

Wednesday was spent getting ready for my grower meeting that was held today. I had 22 customers there. We looked at several different varieties of cotton. Had some really good country style ribs that I cooked.

I guess that I right this tonight because I need to reflect and see the positive things of the past week. I have to do this to keep my sanity. It is an awesome place to release some things.

Prayers request:
I want all of you to say a prayer for the Hunter family. They are hurting right now. Pray for something redemptive to come of their tragedy.

Also, be praying for the young lady that was raped. She needs prayers so bad.

Pray for me and my girls this weekend. I get them tomorrow and get to keep them till Monday. I get to take them to school on Monday morning. My request is that I be all that I can be in the daddy department.

I will be working the phones Friday night at the West Texas Friday Night Score Board Show. If you have your schools score, give us a call! 1-800-983-5704

Lockney has Homecoming this weekend. Kurt, Martha, Amy and I are going to tailgate at the game. If your anywhere near Lockney, stop by for a jalapeno and a sausage wrap. Might even have a glass of tea for you! Oh yeah! I got shrimp to stuff in the japs this week! They ought to be good.

Saturday, Sarah is cheering at the little league football game, then it's Old Fashion Saturday in Lockney! We have brand new sidewalks downtown and new street lights! I can't wait for darkness on Saturday night and the new lights come on! There will be lots of games and food there.

Sunday is Third Sunday Fellowship at church. We have the best cooks in the world right here. If you're in the country, stop by, we always have plenty of food.

Hope all is well with all of y'all!

Love ya!


Anonymous said...

You have so many people praying for you, keep your head up! When things around you all happen so quickly (especially bad things) it is so easy to focus on the negative, just remember to look for the positive parts too. Each of the people you have mentioned in this blog have gained good things because of you! You chose to speak of them, ask for prayers on their behalf and to honor them with your respect and kindness.

You are also a great dad! Have fun and let God worry about the "small" stuff.

Amanda Kirkpatrick said...

wow! just happened onto your blog today...lockney is definitely in need of prayers!! i will lift you and your community up!
i had a former student that was killed in iraq in the same manner--roadside bomb--what cowards are over there fighting our brave men & women!! he was leading his troop into an area and was the first to be hit by the bomb...he died on the scene...i have shed so many tears! i know, however, that if he could have chosen his death it would have been in combat, leading his men, defending the freedom we too often take for granted!!!
hats off to all our soldiers and prayers to their families!!!
thanks for sharing your story!

Preston Belt, From just south of beautiful downtown Hydro, Oklahoma said...

Thanks to both of you for your prayers! They are being answered! Tell God thank you!