Thursday, September 11, 2008

What a day!

I just got home from Lubbock. The rain continues to fall there. I had some printing stuff done at Kinkos at 82nd and Quaker. I left there at 4:30 and it took me till 5:30 to get to the north side of town. Many streets under water. Traffic was at a crawl! The north loop was backed up from the interstate to almost Indiana. The north and south traffic on the Interstate at the north loop was diverted onto the access road due to the road being under water. I bet it was at least 6' deep at the under pass of the north loop! The traffic on the Interstate was moving at about 50 mph all the way to New Deal. What usually takes me an hour to drive, took right at 2! And you can't believe the folks who were in big SUVs and pickups that were just chugging on! Made me nervous. I almost pulled into a hotel for the night. I thought at any minute, Noah was going to pull through Lubbock in his ark! LOL!

That reminds me of a story a guy used to tell me. He was raised out north of Levelland in the Pettit community. We were all sitting around the coffee table one morning at McDonald's in Levelland after a rain. We had almost 2" there in town. Out at Pettit it had rained less than a 1/2". He told me that back in the great flood, they only had .6" and that the dove Noah sent out found that Olive branch in Pettit. LOL! I love that story!

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